Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Biomimicry Climate Change Closed loop living systems CSE -- Community Supported Enlightenment Dynamic Governance Environmental resilience Evolutionary Culture-building Sociocracy

Sociocracy, Living Systems, & Emergent Organizational Design

By Pamela Boyce Simms “That’s good enough to try,” “It’s good enough for experimentation,” are phrases often heard in organizations that use sociocratic governance and decision-making. “Good enough” [after much …

Buddhism Buddhist Practice Cognitive Restructuring community of practice contemplative practice CSE -- Community Supported Enlightenment Holographic Universe - Virtual Reality meditation Mysticism Quantum science spiritual deepening

Organically Weaving Indra’s Net, Jewel by Precious Jewel

Indra’s net: A stunning ancient metaphor for the holographic nature of the universe, non-locality, interconnectedness, and the interdependency of everything and everyone.