Showing: 1 - 10 of 15 RESULTS
Buddhism Buddhist Practice Cognitive Restructuring community of practice contemplative practice CSE -- Community Supported Enlightenment Holographic Universe - Virtual Reality meditation Mysticism Quantum science spiritual deepening

Organically Weaving Indra’s Net, Jewel by Precious Jewel

Indra’s net: A stunning ancient metaphor for the holographic nature of the universe, non-locality, interconnectedness, and the interdependency of everything and everyone.

Brain function Cognitive Restructuring contemplative practice Mysticism Neural plasticity Neurolinguistics Quantum science Self-guided Neural Plasticity spiritual deepening Visualization

Confidentiality: If you have to ask, get quiet and listen deeply

Those who need to ask if they can share the practices with others  (simulations, not supports to practice) are invited to get quiet and listen deeply in order to more fully grasp the reason for doing this work.

The objective of the CSE is to facilitate everyone’s ability to be in constant conscious contact with: 1) the frequency of self-as-consciousness, and, 2) guides/instructors who occupy that frequency. We aim to build the capacity to expand perspective, heighten self-awareness, and skillfully tap into our internal guidance system at will to receive our own version of transformative processes for ourselves in service to the collective.

Brain function Buddhism Buddhist Practice Cognitive Restructuring community of practice Neural plasticity Neurolinguistics Self-guided Neural Plasticity spiritual deepening

Joy is NOT above our pay grade: Compassion practices, self-observing, and joyful living.

Amazingly, when a community practitioner was invited to associate into high frequency emotions like joy, gratitude, and compassion, he stated, “I’d like to go there, but joy is above my …

Brain function Buddhism Buddhist Practice Climate Change Cognitive Restructuring Mysticism Neural plasticity Neurolinguistics Self-guided Neural Plasticity spiritual deepening

UNLEARNING the Myth of Duality in Service to Movement-building

Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. He pushed them and they flew. ─Guillaume Apollinaire We are indeed at the …

Evolutionary Culture-building spiritual deepening

Community Self-selection & Glass Brimming over (GBS) Syndrome

Quaker Pathways Forward and Inner landscapes communities of practice participants have self-selected and sought out the practices. Enthusiastic practitioners are drawn to, or feel passionately compelled to dive into self-transformation …

Brain function Buddhism Buddhist Practice Cognitive Restructuring community of practice digital physics Mysticism Neural plasticity Quaker Clearness Self-guided Neural Plasticity spiritual deepening Visualization

Practice Outcomes & Self-pacing: Diffuse glow? OR, Laser beam transformative accuracy?

Introspection and observation of our internal landscapes in any form is generally helpful. However the highest quality practice outcomes are a function of: 1) sustained intent, 2) focus, and 3) …

Brain function Buddhism Buddhist Practice Cognitive Restructuring contemplative practice digital physics Mysticism Neural plasticity Neurolinguistics Quaker Clearness Quakerism Self-guided Neural Plasticity spiritual deepening Visualization

There is Nothing New Under the Sun: May we Transcend the Sun

At the “micro,” nuts and bolts level, our practices offer nothing that hasn’t already been brought forward 5000 years ago by seers and sages, and more recently by scores of  …

Brain function Buddhism Buddhist Practice Climate Change Cognitive Restructuring Evolutionary Culture-building Mysticism Neural plasticity Neurolinguistics Quaker Clearness Quantum science Self-guided Neural Plasticity spiritual deepening Visualization

Community-of-Practice Democratizes “Esoteric” Quaker Mysticism

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Quaker Friends speak of a state of “unity.” Mystics worldwide describe resting in and obtaining guidance from undifferentiated consciousness as the ultimate state of bliss.

The Quaker Pathways Forward community-of-practice takes the mystery [but not the awe] out of “mystical.” We usher the mystical experience out of the esoteric closets of the few by participating together in practices which democratize the opportunity for ALL interested Friends to co-create with spirit. The community-of-practice cultivates Friends’direct, frequent, and sustained experience of the light —the undifferentiated field.
A “Mystical experience” is where deep contemplative practice melds with reality as a probability distribution as explained by quantum science, digital physics, and neurobiology.

In community, Friends foster and hone ongoing, conscious alignment with universal intelligence lived daily, for their evolution, and that of society.

Mysticism Process theology Quaker Discernment Quaker Revitalization, Renewal & Revival social transformation spiritual deepening

Supports to Practice: Quaker Resources on Mysticism, Contemplation, and Quaker Revitalization

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There is a plethora of excellent Quaker and resonant material in use around mysticism, quantum science, contemplation, and the revitalization of Quakerism. There are as many pathways toward the goal of “being love” in service to the planet as there are Quaker Friends.

Therefore members of the Quaker Pathways Forward – Rekindling the Fire of Fox community-of-practice are enthusiastically encouraged to avail themselves of the publications, programs, curriculum, retreats, training, and study guides which enhance spiritual deepening. These are “supports to our practice” – tools that help to purposefully focus intent.

Some seminal offerings are listed herein.

Brain function contemplative practice Evolutionary Culture-building Neural plasticity social transformation spiritual deepening

Rekindling the Fire of Fox: An Evolving Community-of-Practice

By, Pamela Boyce Simms
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Accurate guidance comes only from within while in CONSCIOUS unity with the undifferentiated, quantum field of unified intelligence.  

Community-of-practice group dynamic: Rekindling the Fire of Fox practices are incessantly evolving and emerge from community-of-practice participants’ direct personal experiences.

As practitioners record each practice and their experiences in writing,  they integrate both brain function and subjective experience.

Writing  our insights with a utensil other than a keyboard during small group sessions is, in and of itself part of a balancing, healing, awareness-expanding process.