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____Activists attempt to move socio-political reality from point A, to an improved point B.
____Physicists create models of reality. Quantum mechanics and digital physics in particular have arrived at the same non-material understanding of reality as a probability distribution in which consciousness, not “bits” of matter, is the fundamental stuff of reality.
___Mystics tap into and experience a much wider swath of reality than most — including non-material reality.
____Contemplatives employ the practices and tools that facilitate arrival at a broad, mystical, exerience of reality.
____We are all now standing in the same space, sharing the same understanding and experience of reality. There is a confluence of wisdom and experience that activists, enabled by discoveries in physics, neuroscience, and using contemplative tools, are bringing to bear on their social transformation work from a wide-angle perspective and a vantage point of unprecedented clarity.

Inner Landscapes Activists’ Community-of-practice

Supports to Practice: Quaker Resources on Mysticism, Contemplation, and Quaker Revitalization
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There is a plethora of excellent Quaker and resonant material in use around mysticism, quantum science, contemplation, and the revitalization of Quakerism. There are as many pathways toward the goal of “being love” in service to the planet as there are Quaker Friends.
Therefore members of the Quaker Pathways Forward – Rekindling the Fire of Fox community-of-practice are enthusiastically encouraged to avail themselves of the publications, programs, curriculum, retreats, training, and study guides which enhance spiritual deepening. These are “supports to our practice” – tools that help to purposefully focus intent.
Some seminal offerings are listed herein.

Rekindling the Fire of Fox: An Evolving Community-of-Practice
By, Pamela Boyce Simms
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Accurate guidance comes only from within while in CONSCIOUS unity with the undifferentiated, quantum field of unified intelligence.
Community-of-practice group dynamic: Rekindling the Fire of Fox practices are incessantly evolving and emerge from community-of-practice participants’ direct personal experiences.
As practitioners record each practice and their experiences in writing, they integrate both brain function and subjective experience.
Writing our insights with a utensil other than a keyboard during small group sessions is, in and of itself part of a balancing, healing, awareness-expanding process.

Rekindling the Fire of Fox: Quaker Evolutionary Culture-building
By Pamela Boyce Simms
Quaker Pathways Forward -MINISTRY PREMISES
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Global society faces an existential crisis.
Quakers have historically been a catalyst in American social transformation.
Many Friends have the capacity to tap into archival memory, the DNA of Quaker contemplative practice, and leadings therefrom to guide people through the narrow straights of climate change disruptions, economic upheaval and systems collapse.
The time has come again for Friends to stand in the epicenter of social transformation and model an evolutionary response to society’s multi-tiered, existential challenges.